Monday, November 14, 2016

“Do Nothing” p 56

Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Tishrei 5777

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Page 56 [of the pamphlet] at middle of the page – line starts: 'veyeshlomar. (P43 in the book)

The 10 hidden sphirot are included in and unified with the ohr ein sof. At that level nothing is out of place.

And at that level there is revelation of light. Light is indicative of the presence of the essence.

The essence does not have to 'do anything' to have this effect. Its mere presence brings light.

The intent is that each sphirah should have its own nature – this is ohr pnimi.

And then there's a general light that is above all the specific sphirot.

On the one hand they are distinct and on the other hand they are completely unified within the encompassing light.

As a result of the tzimtzum each sphirah is brought down individually (not all 10 as one – which is representative of the infinite light).

And also the encompassing light is removed by the tzimtzum/contraction.

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