Sunday, November 27, 2016

“Real Presence” p 57

Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Tishrei 5777

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Page 57 [of the pamphlet] 6th line of the page – line starts: 'keshurin'. (P43 in the book)

The level of 'filling world' settles into world and relates to all its details. The surrounding level does not relate to the details of the world.

This 'filling level' is also Godliness. It is rooted in the the surrounding level'.

The Rebbe explains, that the memale ['filling world level'] is contained within the sovev ['surrounding the worlds level'] as the the sovev is contain within the ohr ein sof.

Why is there affinity between these different levels? There is a 'First Being' who creates everything... this means not that there is 'stuff without meaning', but rather it is recognizable as His creation... and thus it has the reality of a real presence.

Imagine a world without human beings. Jungles, fish, butterflies, and no humans. What would it represent?! Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

What is the special attribute of the human being?

He has an element of truth. A real creation represents its Creator.

There is a truth in everything that He created. Particularly in the human being. He gives value to all other creatures.

The details of the world, which unto themselves lack completion and significance, have an affinity with the surrounding level and the truth of creation... they did not develop on their own... His spirit flows through everything...

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