Wednesday, November 23, 2016

“He Fills It” p 56-57

Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Tishrei 5777 

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Page 56 [of the pamphlet] last line of the page – line starts: 'vehinei'. (P43 in the book)

When a host serves his guest and the guest begins to eat and tastes the food, nonetheless that food carries the significance of where that food came from.

If the host would get up and leave, the guest would not want to eat. He would lose his appetite.

The level of 'filling all worlds' means He provides for everything to be. And not that He created the world like a man makes a watch, but rather that He fills the world. The creation continues to carry the significance of the Creator.

So the level of 'filling the worlds' is 'worldly', but it is there with a Godly imprint.

The level of 'surrounding all worlds' brings to the world a sense of total nullification/bitul.

This is what makes things real. If this initial aspect is lost you have nothing. A true sense of being comes from the level of sovev / surrounding the worlds – this gives a sense of Source and Origin.

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