Friday, April 30, 2010

His personal secret

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 4/29/10 ThursdayNight 15 Iyar 5770

Page 20 – second line from the top of the page. Starting at: “vehagum”

See sidebar on the right hand side for copy of the text.

As a result of putting himself aside he becomes more aware of the inyan above rather than how it is to him. Thus in the ratzu, which is a personal experience of questing, but at its height he gains an awareness of the higher kavanah/intention.

This is also the matter of the shofar blast that was at the giving of the torah. Shofar is called yovel, which is one with yuval which is binah.

At the 50th gate there is not difference between chochmah and binah. Also the blast comes from a narrow place. “No thought can grasp Him” so thus the only way to relate is by bitul – a narrow place.

Every blast of shofar is to join the opposites of ratzu and shuv that we have explained up until now. In shofar is chesed and gevurah – which are ratzon and shuv. From His right hand he gave them a law of fire – fire is gevurah and the right is chesed.

... וחיי עולם

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