Wednesday, April 6, 2011

“It's all good” p: 48

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 48 4/6/2011 Wednesday 2 Nissan 5771

Page 48 - 8th line from the top of the page (line starts: eter...)

Sechel is only a reflection of essence, it itself is to illuminate, but it is not the essential light. It affects by asking a question. It works with contrasts. Hence it can be pulled to the 'other side'. 1+1 can be looked at in 2 ways. It can be reduced to physicality where it is no longer 2 it is just 1+1.

Above is an emunah/faith level, which cannot be captured in conscious thought. It is steady and not involved with process, by which it would express itself. Emunah affects the person, not the guf/body. Faith cannot be grasped and it is hard to become conscious of it. It can affect daas, which is above sechel. To have daas one has to eliminate all questions, till one perceives truth directly. Daas is like the conclusion and by-passes all the arguments.

This is like the baal tshuvah, who grew up in different ways. So he would seem to miss the 'youth' in his path. We say the moment of decision is for him the moment of youth, since it is the revelation of youthful daas, emunah, faith.

Torah itself is beyond sechel. Yet it is revealed in the tree of knowledge. Thus there are aspects of right and left and the Torah is enclothed. In essence the Torah is the “tree of life” which is the inner aspect of light. To illustrate, when one's life is measured by what he can produce, we see that it is incongruous. Life cannot be measured against procurement/achievement. Life is not a functional element. Life has functional manifestations, like walking and talking, but that is not life.

Chaim/life is higher than oneg/pleasure!

Torah is in essence the tree of life and above being grasped in sechel. It is the inner aspect of light and cannot be reformatted into another medium. However one has to learn it and follow its directives, which is on the level of the 'tree of knowledge'.

So it does not facilitate life, it gives life. The life that the soul provides is above world. Torah elevates world to the truth of its Creator. Torah gives life without a process, since above all our striving to understand we do a mitzvah because it is from Above. The trick is that Israel accepted Torah beyond their faculties.

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