Friday, April 15, 2011

'The whole thing is that he can make a mistake!' p: 48

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 48 4/15/2011 Friday 11 Nissan 5771

Page 48 – about middle of the page (line starts: lechen...)

We are looking at the fact that Torah was also enclothed in the tree of knowledge – in the world essentially. But this is not the type of involvement that grasps/limits the torah. It is rather that the torah is from the level of essential light and it directs the world.

The objective of torah is to transform/elevate the world.

It is not grasped by the world, though it is involved in all the intricacies of the world. Torah starts from before the world.

Up until the creation of Adam, there were no human beings. We all acknowledge how this was not a full world. When Adam was created, then the word became a real presence. He brought to the world something higher than world – independence of world.

No animal can transgress. This is only something the human can do – he was the one who was told, 'don't eat from the tree of knowledge'. This also means there is One who tells man. The animals just have a nature, but Adam has an endless capacity, and thus he represents the Creator and he needs his Maker to guide him. Adam perceives that he's here to reveal the glory of his maker.

By making man, the world becomes something that houses G-d Himself. Thus it has a new and different reality.

video to follow...

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