Monday, April 4, 2011

“You enliven them all” p: 47

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 47 4/4/2011 Monday 29 AdarBase 5771

Page 47 - 9 lines below the end of the page (line starts: hi hakavanah...)

The inner factor of all real unions is that they are inherently one.

What does it mean that 'He enlivens them all”? chayut/life is a principle, in a human being you see the body, not the 'life' itself, yet we are immediately aware of chayut.

It is that which presents by saying, 'yes, I am in a limited body, but there is an inherent, infinite reality that is not contained or revealed by this limited form'! Chayut is the sensitivity to the greater/absolute truth. The chayut/life of the soul is its connection to Him. There is a oneness with the real One. Real separation evaporates into nothingness.

this is to say the most external level is also a recipient of G-dly energy. If something 'is', then it is a participant in overall existence. Everything has a relationship with the overall reality. Physicality seems to talk only of itself.

Your money comes through your work, not from the work. There is no such thing as money just from work. Every amount of income that one receives is connected the entire reality. One wanting to disassociate from the overall reality is a search for an impossible situation – he focuses on the external element.

Everything despot will fall. And the Jew is constant enemy since the Jew is connected to reality and the despot is continually making a false claim and hence trying to bolster his position which is continually eroding. The dictator acts as if he owns the world. But he does not. The only way he can hold his position is by destruction. The truth is Him – the One who creates all and the despot makes a false claim to high position.

Essence does not imbue itself in chitzonim – they can only have ha-arah/reflection, not essence.

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