Wednesday, November 2, 2011

“Game Changer; The Unusual Orange” p: 58

A painting of Rebbitzin Chaya Mushka

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 11/2/11 Wednesday 5 Cheshvan 5772 

Page 58 – 4th lines from the top of the page (line starts: ”yesh lomar...” )
See link on the upper right of the blog to view all pages of the text...

All other creatures were made, body and soul together – this means their soul presence is at the level of enlivening the body. Adam's body was made first and then his soul was inserted. Hence, though the soul does enliven the body, but it also has an independent life and an association with truth.

This is how the Alte Rebbe says, 'I want You alone' – an expression of his soul quest for Truth/G-d.

This is why the presence of Adam/man changed the entire world. Without him the whole world is self serving, without an element of truth. We all have this insight, but don't always decipher it.

Without this level of life, man would not be relating to his own essence and fulfilling his mission in life.

Each man has an allotted duty/task to complete in the world.

In ohr einsof we have seen 2 levels. One relating to the creation of the world and one above that 'project'.

These can be viewed from the perspective of helem and gilui. Helem being the hidden state of what will be revealed in the level of gilui.

The revelation was not in response to an external stimulus. This is the opposite of the way things exist in our world.

Creation was elicited entirely from Above and there was nothing below that called for it. This is to say that in atzmus, 'there is the desire to create and reveal itself'. This is the purest desire possible and higher than we can conceptualize. It is base on 'the joy of seeing goodness'. 'Teva ha tov le haytiv'.

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