AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R'
Paltiel, Tammuz 5775
18 of pamphlet –
about a third from top of the page. Line begins: 've-ahnu...').
Page 13 of the book.
For text see below.
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are looking at how the vessels come from the light, but by virtue of
being touched by something from the 'outside'.
is a means by which you can put sechel/mind into letters and words.
These letters that represent the sechel are unique to it at the time
of presentation. But ultimately letters and words are
letters come forth when the sechel comes to be expressed externally.
is a direct emanation from the source. It points to the source. But
then this light has external effects and it becomes thickened –
which means 'closer to being an entity unto itself'.
means a limit and boundary within the light itself. This is brought
forth as a result of the reshimu. The reshimu is a trace. And what
does it allude to? It alludes to a pre-existing definition.
this is where the vessels come from.
you relate to the pure light, you don't need the vessel/keili. But
once the light has an inherent definition, then you cannot take it
from the source, and you get it via keilim/vessels.
reshimu brings the light to a concrete stage where it can be
identified independently of the source.