Sunday, August 4, 2019

“Life Supply” p155

“What is the fundamental truth, ‘yes, or no’?  ‘non-existence or existence’?  ‘presence of non-presence’? ‘is life real, or is it a show of force’?”  
P 155 (of the pamphlet) at last paragraph of the page.  Line starts, “v’yesh lomar…” [P113 of the book] 

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It is inevitable that the creature should recognize the Creator [the pnimi will sense the makif].

Even in klipah there is an element of bitul to Godliness.

Vitality is exclusively sourced in Godliness.  There is no other source.

It is received only if you let it affect you.  You cannot accept it on your own terms. 

Thinks of breathing.  We live from the air.  Physically you breathe in, but the experience of life is not the thin stream you inhale - your reality is the greater surrounding air and space… 

In this world we can identify having and not having - like hunger and satiation… needing money and having it…

By contrast vitality is never lacking… it is never withheld.  

When you breathe you sense the abundance of air - there’s a Source for this life.  

The connection to the source is intangible.  It is beyond us to identify or understand. 

Only by humility [bitul] is it received.  You have it because it is there.  You have it not by your discovery of it, but because it is given to you…!  It cannot but be there! 

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