Friday, November 20, 2009

Seeing the Creator, rather than the created

Aeter with R' Paltiel 11/19/09 Thursday Night. 2 Kislev 5770 P:PayZayin

Reshus means on open access, which is the idea of doing a mitzvah without being commanded to do it. So why do you do it? A mitzvah has its limit – it is not readily recognizable, but if the commander instructs then you are connected. Reshus goes to a deeper relationship, of realizing on your own of expressing the presence of the commander.

The matzah represents the connection to the malchus. One way is being told by Hashem, another way the presence of the king is right there. You eat matzah out of recognition of the presence.

Pay zayin – 6 lines from the top.

Reshus is a higher connection that cannot be corrupted. Yet we have mitzvahs with levush to get us to the stage of reshus. The principle of mitzvah is the emphasis that it represents the commander, rather than how it is pertinent to you. Mitzvah is the ability to free oneself from one's own metzius and do the will of the commander. He gave us this mitzvah. This the preparation of uniting with Him to the level where you don't need a command.

One can either say the world must have been made by the Creator, but you're based on the world. The level above that is seeing the Creator, rather than the created.

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