Friday, November 27, 2009

Depth of the depths

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 11/27/09 Friday 10 Kislev 5770

From the line starting lemayla - 4th line from the bottom of page one.

The advantage of tshuvah over all the other mitzvahs, that it reaches to the dept of depths, nevertheless from the side of the source of all wills, they are all equal – ie even tshuvah is on the same level.

Life as we experience it is not true life – it is the connection of the nefesh and the body.

The life of the neshama does not dissipate – it is G-dly.

We are sensitive to external effects. The neshama is sensitive since it is through and through life.

There is no passive state for the neshama – not since it is ill at ease, but since it is alive.

The ratzon for the mitzvot is from Him – there is no external cause and hence are all equal.

The mashal to show this is that a kohein to serve in the temple has to be without blemish. To be complete it does not matter if the blemish is on his toe nail or his face. So too from the One who will it – every detail is like the whole thing.
The nefesh rises up to hashem all the time, but it is by choice.

We are trying define the advantage of tshuvah over other mitzvah's even though for Him they are all equal, and why does tshuvah reach up to the deeper ratzon – what is its quality?

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