Wednesday, March 24, 2010

One way ticket

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 3/24/10 Wednesday 9 Nissan Adar 5770 

Page 15 – the middle of the page – line starts, “alyedei ze”. See sidebar on the right hand side for copy of the text.

We are looking at how ratzu follows shuv and why there is a ratzu after shuv.

In the deeper level of love, a love that represents the essential connection of the soul to the exaltedness of the ein sof and he is drawn to this. Even here is a possibility of the shuv. You may think there is no return since he is drawn to something beyond world.

It is a thirst – desire that elokus is nimshach to him and not be remote. So we can see how the shuv follows the ratzu.

But there is another level. There is a level of desiring to cleave to Him. This is a departure from the level of (light in) vessels. He wants to be part of elokus. Part of the essence of ohr ein sof that is totally above the realm of worlds.

In this approach there would be no shuv (return) that would follow it. Similarly you could see that in the original form of love, that we saw was based on His closeness, there can be a response of total dissipation. So whether based on His exaltedness or on his closeness there seemingly could result a departure due to love from this world.

Love has a consequence. “Who does the mitzvoth in truth? The one who has a love for him” - you want to do something as a result of the love. The experience of the love is seemingly a step towards a consequence. But love betynugim – oneg – pleasure is a self contained truth. Pleasure does not need a result/consequence. So if he reaches the level of love in delight (pleasure), which usually comes from hisbonenut (meditation), which is a level of sechel, that is sourced in oneg/pleasure then the pleasure has been drawn into the love. Sechel is a derivative of ratzon which is a derivative of oneg. This love does not demand a shuv since it is completely self satisfied.

The love between man and woman is a metaphor for the love between G-d and Israel. The couple is completely interdependent and they have thrown their lives into a common project/mission. When this is fully realized and with their intelligence they sense that neither would want any negative outcome for each other, they develop a limitless trust which is a foundation for love without bounds.

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