Sunday, March 28, 2010

Not based on vulnerability, but on his stability

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 3/28/10 Sunday 13 Nissan 5770  

Page 15 – towards the last quarter of the page – 7 lines from the bottom. Line starts, “liheyot”. See sidebar on the right hand side for copy of the text.

As one proceeds higher and he doesn't want giluim / revelations, just Him, Himself, he finds there the real kavanah is not in the rising towards Him, but in the work of shuv / return to fulfilling His will on earth.

Kavanah is beyond the manifestation of atzmus.

Except in order to relate to kavanah rather than the experience and the relationship to Him, bitul is needed.

The bitul is putting oneself aside, he recognizes this principle truth that, “since I am a non entity on my own and all I have is what He gives me, and he gives me what I have by free choice, so I should relate to what He intends with this – the decision that I should be is what makes me, not my presence.

Pnimi – internal is that which comes from the nefesh itself – purely from the nefesh, not due to any extraneous circumstances. The nefesh is complete and whole and has no sense of lacking anything. Its desires are not based on fear or desire to enhance its metzius. Because of its wholesomeness, this is the basis of the love and fear. Fear for one's existence/metziut is based on yeshus. The fact that he sees himself as vulnerable means he is not speaking from pnimius. That's why the Rebbe could say to the KGB, “this gun doesn't scare me.”

so yirah pnimius is based on the closeness of the ohr ein sof. The closeness results in love and fear, which at this level are reflective of oneg and ratzon.

The yirah is that he comes close to the ohr ein sof, and this brings to fear. Moshe came close to the burning bush and he hid his face because he was afraid to look at Him. Was he afraid to be hurt? No, he realized the awesomeness and was afraid to look at it. This is like standing in front of the king – one doesn't wallow in the beauty and glory of the palace, one realizes the presence of Greatness and is humbled.

This yirah is not based on vulnerability, but on his stability.

Hashem's will is that Torah and mitzvoth are fulfilled down here. The nefesh is like benei aliyah who do it all, only for Him. Pninius ha nefesh is not a nivrah / creation, and so can do it for no other reason.

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