Thursday, March 4, 2010

Light and dark

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 3/4/10 Thursday 18 Adar 5770

Page 13 – 3rd line from top of the page.

Ohr and atzilus are similar, both denoting an active revelation revealing its source (as opposed to a new creation), yet they are different from each other. The principle of light is that it is still incorporated in the essence (the revelation is from and within itself).

Ohr is a revelation within the person himself, similar to thought, it is aroused from and for himself.

The neshamah is life through and through, and doesn't have to work at enlivening the body, since all that comes into contact with it is affected by it. Darkness is an absence, it does not reject light. When light comes, it automatically illuminates it. Light rejects darkness. Man can descend and oppose light, since he has the positive element of G-dliness and can use it in the opposite way. It doesn't create a real presence, with an essence.

After the tzimzum there is the kind of revelation that will illuminate darkness – a kind of light that is seen to have an active effect. The ohr from before the tzimzum does not allow for the thought that there could be a lack of light. This is atzilus: – it is fully representative of the original light, but it comes out... it is revealed outside.

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