Friday, March 26, 2010

Like a soldier exposing himself to enemy fire

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 3/26/10 Friday 11 Nissan 5770

Page 15 – towards the last quarter of the page - line starts, “bebechinat tokef”. See sidebar on the right hand side for copy of the text. 

He sees in atzmus that the kevanah is the real thing. Usually one has to have bitul in order to relate and sense others. Here we are going beyond that, beyond sensing elokus, to just fulfilling the intent of elokus. This is irrational, beyond the grasp of sechel. The zohar says it is like a child that is concerned for his mother and father and he gives his life away for them.

This is gilui ha atzmus. This is not possible in atzilus or by a neshamah without a body. It can only be achieved here – only here where there is a body that completely conceals the body can you realize there is a King and I don't care about anything else. Up above kabalot ol is not possible – the neshamah sees elokus. Because here there is a yashus that does not have any sensitivity to elokus, there can be gilui of atzmus.

He is involved in a desire, but when the ratzu is in the element of atzus ein sof, which is total and absolute ein (the soul's experience of the greatness and delight is not ein/atzmus) where is rooted the true intent, that there should be the inyan of shuv/return, except that in order to sense this true element of atzmus, he has to put himself aside and experience the true intent. True connection to essence is a connection to the kevanah/intent of atzmus.

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In truth when one studies the world and the richness of its presence one can logically deduce that there is a tremendous Creator of unlimited capacity. What does the Creator mean to him? The Creator of his world, not Him Himself. This is a process that comes from yeshus. The nefesh seeks elokus not as a way to explain its experience. It cannot tolerate world and wants to connec to the truth – it is seeking elokus itself.

Now we go a step further. The soul recognizes the ultimate truth, and goes beyond the truth of its existence and goes for, “what did He have in mind when he made me?” this bypasses the whole metziut.

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