Friday, March 12, 2010

Love and logic

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 3/11/10 ThursdayNight 25 Adar 5770

Page 14 – second paragraph - “kuli dekmoken”  

We are looking at how ratzu and shuv follow each other. We looked at it in avodah – love and fear. The love developed due to closeness, the one showed the other.

The mashpia manifests concern and interest to the mushpah – this arouses the inyan of ahavah.

One may say the mushpah is getting something of great value and thus loves the mashpia – so it seems simple and shallow. However there must be a clear distinction between their relationship and “ahavah she talui be davar” - a love that is dependent on something. Ahavah is a midah in the nefesh with an element of ratzu. The love based on self benefit is not based on ratzu.

Sechel is a reflection of the ratzon. Ahavah is a reflection of the sechel. Sechel can think objectively and figure things out, whereas midot are not affected by logic at all – the require a direct touch. Sechel is compared to sight, whereas touch or shmiah is compared to midot.

Kiruv is one person coming close to another. Not physical. He gets involved in the details in the other person's experience of life. He wants to know more about the other's situation. This is coming close. Why? Cos in a real way he recognizes a unity between them. At a higher level they are one.

There is an overall unity between them. They have an inherent relationship, that the mashpiah is the first to recognize.

For video, click here.

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