Friday, March 19, 2010

Man, woman, world and G-dliness

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 3/19/10 Friday 4 Nissan Adar 5770

Page 15. Nine lines from the top – line starts, “elokus”. See sidebar on the right hand side for copy of the text.

The revelation of the elokus is in the shuv that follows the ratzu. The ratzu affects the fact that all that you see in the world is due to the presence of elokus.

In torah and mitzvoth is the shine (meir) of elokus. Torah and mitzvoth are totally intertwined with world. Everything in torah contains some kind of action, and the world is metziut, not ohr.
So how is shuv a state of hisyashvuth – settled presence?

How is there a G-dly light in torah and mitzvoth if they are involving action in the world?

Torah is like water that descends from a higher place to a lower place. This means as it descends it is unchanges, it is the same nature above and below. Torah came down and halacha is changing according the situation in the world. The world does not define the elokus, but the change in halacha is due to the fact that elokus relates to the world.

In marriage there is a commitment to each other, but really there is not commitment to another human being, it is a commitment to the G-dly institution of marriage. “Ish ve isha, shchinah beneihem” - “man and woman in marriage, bring the dwelling of the G-dly presence.”

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