Monday, March 8, 2010

More than back and forth

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 3/7/10 Sunday 21 Adar 5770

Page 13 – 10th line from top of the page.

The light is a non-entity to itself. It totally represents etzem.

The principle of ratzu is that the light has an element of wanting to leave its current presence and return to its source. Since it is only a reflection it it constantly drawn to its source. It is looking for the truth. Because it it unified with the source, it is sensitive to the source even after the tzimizum. It is after the tzimzum and the light has an independent identity.

Due to the tzimzum the light can be identified separately.

In our world every effect has a cause, but the Rambam points out that the real Cause has no reason. This is ein. We cannot have a grasp of this truth, since in our world things need to have a justification for their being. Elokus doesn't have an externality, by which to be grasped. The matter of service is based on mesirat nefesh – giving over one's life. In our perspective if you lose your life you're left with nothing, but we go further and say we can wipe away this existence and the ein (that cannot be erradicated) comes into focus.

The ohr senses, that after the tzimzum, it can now be identified – and this identification is the opposite of the truth.

After the ratzu, the light returns back into an identity of ohr, due to the ratzon of the ein sof. This is the ratzon that ohr should be identified.

This back and forth is inherent in the gilui of elokus. The human quality may be inherent in each human being, but it has to be revealed. So too above, there is a desire that the light be revealed.

The light realizes that to really relate to the ein sof it needs to fulfill its ratzon, which is that it should be revealed. This is becoming part of the truth, rather than having an understanding of the truth. Being the truth is giving up fully your own experience, and knowing that through your life a G-dly purpose is fulfilled.

The light recognizes the ratzon of the ein sof – that the ein sof be recognized everywhere – also in gilui – everywhere.

The ratzu ve shuv is back and forth, but it includes progress – movement to a higher level.

In everything one does, it needs to be with full force, there's always a tendency for gilui to be a metziut.

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