Tuesday, March 2, 2010

No retreat, and no surrender

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 3/2/10 Tuesday 16 Adar 5770

Page 13 – top of the page.   

We've discussed the difference between ohr and shefa. Shefa is an actual entity that is being transmitted, but it lacks the essence of its source, though it is formulated according to its source.

In contrast ohr does not have a real substance, but it has complete connection to its source. It fully represents the source. It is what it is becauese it is entirely reflective of the source. It has none of its own properties and exists not because it was intentionally created, but the essence automatically gives off this light.

Etzem seems totally into itself, a through and through entity. This is the case. Take neshamah and guf – neshamah brings life – it does not want to bring a compromised life. On a negotiated level it starts from brain, but the human also has ratzon and oneg, that doesn't have a partnership with the body, it is total, pure effect.

Even after the tzimzum, the light is still united with its source.

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