Friday, March 5, 2010

What light wants

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 3/5/10 Friday 19 Adar 5770

Page 13 – 9th line from top of the page.

Ratzu and shuv are an inherent part of the ohr. It is a defining factor of ohr. Without it “ohr would not be ohr”.

The light is striving to be more like its source, “more like the real thing”. This is not due to its short-comings, but due to its sensitivity to the source.

When it is revealed it descends from its level. Light by definition combines two levels – metzius and bilti metzius (existence and non-existence).

Being involved in sechel is a great pleasure for a person, yet even in sechel he inevitably seeks to translate it into midot and action. This is due to the ratzon of the person that supersedes the experience of sechel, and says that one needs to have an effect on the world.

On the one hand a name, is just an indicator, on the other hand the name of a person goes to the essence and can wake a person from a faint. This is because the real purpose of a person in the world is to affect his external level.

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