Tuesday, January 29, 2013

“Every Place in the World” p: 9

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 18 Shvat 5773 

Page 9
about 10th line of the page – (line starts, 'aval...') For text, click here.

We are saying that there are inner and outer levels of the kav/line. Even though we are talking of light... the external level is affected by the tzimzum/contraction. It takes on an identifiable presence. Regardless of the fact that it points to the source, it has its own presence...

So the kav has a tendency to expression and a level that is beyond expression.

The inner level, goes through the tzimzum, but remains absorbed in its source. What is the root of this principle? The principle is that there is a middle line (tifferet) that is equal everywhere, and on this aspect the tzimzum does not have an affect.

The Rambam says that the way of G-d is the middle path between 2 extremes... it might be beautiful or healthy, but how does it relate to Him? Think of the way a man stands on 2 legs. He touches the ground, but he is not dependent on it. He has a sense of his presence here on earth, but not sunk into the world, he has a purpose and a mission. He represents his mission, rather than his presence. This is the way of G-d. Representing his Maker's mission on earth. The man is grounded, yet independent... to have this stance is entirely representative of and dependent on Him...

This middle path of tiferet remains absorbed in its source.

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