Wednesday, January 9, 2013

“I Have Everything” p: 6

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 27 Tevet 5773 

Page 6
5th line from the top of the page – (line starts, 'she ayino...') For text, click here.

The Rebbe has been describing the effect of the kav/line. It achieves two things. It measures the type of hashpah/download at every level, and secondly that it should remain in the area of kedusha/holiness and not be usurped.

Holiness has limits. The other side has no limits. Yaakov (Jacob) says, 'I have everything' – meaning, 'I have my purpose'. Eisav (Esau) says, 'I have a lot', meaning 'I have'. For klipah/the other side to acknowledge that it has something, it has to have it in a manner of being severed from the source. Holiness is opposite, saying that it has what it has due to the source... and is fine with a limit... I have what is being given to me...

The primary will of holiness is not to rule over others, but to be itself. The primary will of klipah is to rule over others.

If you were to experience the input of the soul, without the limiting factor of the body, it would not be a valid experience. You need to have human experience.

A fish can be submerged in the water, but a human being takes a cup of water to drink. There's a process. There's ohr pnimi – light in the vessels.

This is how we live. One day at a time. One moment at a time. When the Fredike Rebbe left Russia, he said to the chassidim who remained, 'do not try to solve tomorrow's problem's today'. They come to you in a limited fashion because you are a pnimi.

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