Thursday, January 3, 2013

“Infinity in a Line” p: 5

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 21 Tevet 5773 

Page 5
4th line of the page – (line starts, 'ha-olamot...') For text, click here.

We are discussing the kav/line that creates the world. It is not different from the infinity that creates it. The only difference is that the flow is in a narrow way, so the world can benefit.

When we talk of infinity, we are not thinking of an infinite collection of finite entities. The infinity element is the representation of the source of the kav/line.

Think of sunlight vs candlelight. Sunlight gives you the presence of the sun itself... you are getting an infinity element in a finite setting...

So the kav/line is not disacossiated from its infinite source. Ohr/light emanates only from an essence. Here we are talking about the fundamental reality, not physical light.

So wherever light is found you recognize the essential element that it contains.

The limiting aspect is assigned by the kav/line. Also the unification, and interinclusion of the sphirot is also by means of the kav/line.

'You bind them to each other and You unite them' – this refers to the way the sphirot are bound with their source. The sphirot are bound together and bound with Him.

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