Monday, January 21, 2013

“Nothing Can Be Said” p: 8

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Monday 10 Shvat 5773 

Page 8
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Ein Sof is a pure reality, and it cannot have any components. Thus any presence of sphirot is inapplicable. Nothing can be said about ein sof. And the fact that 10 sphirot came to be is only due to the presentation of His light, not His essence.

In a way light and essence are inseparable... but here we are saying the 10 sphirot are not in the ein sof, or the light, but in the revelation of the light. What is revelation of the light / hisgalus ha-ohr? Light is representative of an essence. There is light because there is an essence. And in this element of the light there are not sphirot. But at a lower level of light's presence, there is revelation and sphirot...

A baby is given a name before he can do anything in the world. This is because his very presence makes an imprint. At the moment he is born he is without a name. This is the element of having a presence, but not having a presence. Before getting his name he has an essence and light, but it is not revealed – there are not qualities, just reality itself. This is a mashal/metaphor to relate to these topics...

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