Wednesday, January 30, 2013

“Standing and Walking in the World” p: 9

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 19 Shvat 5773 

Page 9
Just above middle of the page – (line starts, 'vezeh-hu...') For text, click here.

We have been discussing 'pnimiut' – the aspect of the 'internal' element.

We said the internal element of the kav/line is unaffected by the tzimzum/contraction.

Think of a 'tight-rope' walker. When R' Mendel Futerfas was in prison he spoke with a tight-rope walker. He described how the walker need to keep his eyes on the pole at the end... it provides equanimity and balance. Functionally the pole is there to hold up the rope. But the presence of the pole is beyond functionality... this is reality itself.

In everything there are all kinds of functional elements, but the initiating element is the truth of each thing... the reality of the world is the Initiator. Lose sight of Him and the whole thing collapses.

This is a metaphor for pnimiut/internal aspect – the kav emtzai – the middle path...

Man stands not due to any functional element. He stands due to his recognition of the fundamental reality in the world... this is due to having essence, and the sphirot of Mah always point to the essence... Standing on both feet and continuing to walk is derech havaya (the way of God).

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