Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Truth and The Subway” p: 34 AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R'

Photo: Batya David, Israel
Paltiel Sunday11 Tishrei 5774

Page 34 (לד)

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We are saying that 'in truth', delight and wisdom are the same thing...

'In truth': in other words from the perspective of the 'truth' they are one thing. So how does this affect them?

Everything comes from truth, but then it has its own orientation. Delight and wisdom are different... That wisdom says, 'this is a true concept' is due to the fact that it connects to the truth'. Wisdom/chochmah is orientated to the truth. It is the truth behind it that allows for delight.

External wisdom (science) does a disservice by allowing for things to exist on their own. This is contrary to the soul of man and is very destructive.

Chochmah/wisdom percieves that there is a truth, and then everything elses follows on this basis.

Truth is what provides for delight and wisdom.

Experientially, delight and wisdom are different, but in truth they are the same.

The essential delight in the soul, is the essence of the soul and includes and bears all faculties and from this all derives.

The essence of the soul is not composite, and has no restriction. For this reason is it the source of all the faculties. The faculties themselves relate to the world at a lower level. Ohr/light represents the essence. And from the light of the soul come the faculties.

The essence of the soul bears all the faculties. But in the soul there are no faculties.

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