Thursday, September 12, 2013

“Beyond Trust” p: 34

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 8 Tishrei 5774

Photo: Batya David
Page 34 (לד)

At lower quarter of the page – (line begins: 'detynug...') For text, click: Here.

We are saying that tynug/delight and chochmah/wisdom are one thing. One is not derived from the other. They are the same.

They both have what they have, not by virtue of their own experimentation and discovery. They have what they have by virtue of it being given to them.

To have oneg/delight, there has to be total assurance that what I am experiencing is not tenuous. It is beyond trust. Oneg comes from there being 'only delight/good'. It is not founded on a decision to trust.

Soul/nefesh and life are synonymous. And this is why it has delight. The soul has an essential existence. It does not have to convince itself it can trust this thing...!

So too in chochmah. There is essential chochmah that senses truth without the need for proofs.

Oneg is based on the Godly presence. The only thing that is absolutely real is Him. So thus there is essential delight. And so too with essential wisdom.

The physical metaphor for chochmah/wisdom is sight.

Sight provides the reality of the object without touch. It makes the world real.

The Presentor, who presents it to me, is what makes sight so real. And so too with chochmah and oneg.

The difference between chochmah and oneg is what they contained. Anything that is essential has everything. And affects its environment in that way. There are 2 levels to having everything – a) in essence, and b) consciously, meaning you see it coming from its source.

So chochmah has the awaress of the truth of the Providor. Tynug is the experience of the reality of the Essence.

In contrast to the world where everything has a cause, tynug has no cause.

What is truth? There is only one truth. Both tynug and chochmah are based on this truth.

You have the ability to really see. Not by deflected light, like a camera. But to really see. Not to see with your hands, but with your eyes. And you inner eyes.

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