Sunday, September 22, 2013

“Accept It” p: 35

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday18 Tishrei 5774 

Photo: Batya David.  "The sun rules the world by day"
Page 35 (לה)

At 2 lines from the top of the page – (line begins: 'namshichim...') For text, click: Here.

Accepting means that I recognize that there is something totally beyond my understanding. That it is essentially beyond my understanding, and that's what I want.

This acceptance, nullifies evil.

Learning Torah appropriately means that if I have a question, it does not refute what I am learning but rather that I have to learn with sechel/mind beyond my current sechel/mind.

The way to learn chassidus, it to always remember that it is being presented to us from Above.

Torah stands since it is rooted above. This is what keeps it standing.

The acceptance relates us to essence.

There are 613 distinct mizvot, but each one represents the whole truth of Essence/atzmus. Torah represents this essence, but it is chochmah.

Why do we say essence have everything? Why not 'it has one thing'? Think of the sun. This is not light on the functional level. The sun automatically eliminates darkness. It creates day. Or think of your home. Your presence extends your ownership to every space and corner – automatically. Your presence is everywhere. This is why we say essence has everything. Just like your ownership extends over all your furniture and furnishings – till 'they are you'.

The whole reality is in the essence.

You are a human being and have been given an absolute right to own.  

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