Tuesday, September 3, 2013

“No 'Also Ran'” p: 34

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 28 Elul 5773

Page 34 (לד)

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Although we have said mitzvot are rooted in essence, we are now saying there is an advantage of Torah over mitzvot. This is due to its root in the pristine/original element of essence.

Initially it we say that Torah was from chochmah, but mitzvot were from ratzon/will. This is in the case where Torah is coming in a way of pnimi – integration.

But the very root and source of this aspect of Torah in actuality, is in the essence at a deeper level than will/ratzon.

Things exist not due to their function, but due to their source. Why is there chochmah? Is it a response to the needs of sechel/mind? No things are sourced above.

Take orderliness – it is a useful faculty in life. It serves the other elements of life. But really it is a primary element. It can appear to be secondary. But it is rooted above.

Ratzon is an expression of essence. Chochmah is an look at essence itself.

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