Tuesday, September 10, 2013

“The Cat is Right; The Cat is Wrong” p: 34

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 6 Tishrei 5774 

Page 34 (לד)

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We are looking at why the soul is identified with sechel/mind, specifically. And this will lead us to see how Torah (which is chochmah) in its root state is really the supreme Godly reality.

If we say we are talking of infinity (ohr ein sof), where 1 and 10 million are identical, where it is not made up of its content, now we say it contains everything.

If we say there is 'everything', what do we mean? Without intellect, we say, 'why not?' 'anything goes'. But this is infinity without intellectual value. We don't mean infinity that doesn't care. He cares. There is a point that he is making.

So there is 'everything', not by default, but by intention, since it is included there.

Intellect is what tells you when you enter a wedding hall that there is a simcha happening. The cat sees the tables, chairs and foods. It does not see what it represents. The human being sees everything is there with intention. And the 'overall reality' created each detail.

On the one level the cat is right. There is just stuff. But to the intellect, the intangible is real. For the intellect the things exist only for their purpose.

Intellectual reality is totally different from experiential reality.

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