Thursday, December 12, 2013

“Skin and Sense” p:46

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel

ThursdayNight 9 Tevet 5774

Page 46 מו

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We have been saying how the world is based on the union of ein and yesh (nothing and something).

The level of 'nothing' is representative of the true reality. What gives the world any kind of presence? That there's a First Being. He has no beginning or cause. His presence is beyond justification.

The world by contrast is creation. It provides a vessel for what is drawn from the First Being.

If you just have yesh/something without the ein, then it is just imaginary...!

We saw on the previous page that the real actual creation is via malchus. But now we are going back to review what kind of creation you get from chochmah and binah.

We have seen how eating solid foods triggers the child's mind... that is because he has his own sechel/mind.

A human had the duty to act according to the truth, and not according to that which is expedient. He is even able to even act counter to what is expedient.

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