Tuesday, December 24, 2013

“The Cause of Union” p:47

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 21 Tevet 5774 

Page 47

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We have a long discussion explaining that all matters that come to understanding, even to the angels, is just an 'external reflection' (ha-arah chitzoniut). And even the union of chochmah and binah as it is above it, is also on the level of the external.

We see that for the union of chochmah and binah, there is something that initiates and enables this union.

In this world we see a union as a kind of agreement of mutual gain... but here we are talking of something from above, not caused by any lacking of the parties involved. It is rooted in 'ohr ein sof' – the infinite light.

In this higher light it is only an outer level that is involved in this union.

At an inner level all is part of one reality, and the separate entities don't exist.

External (chitzoni) is that state where there is the possibility of existence and non existence, and also where distinctions persevere.

Pnimi is where the union is 'has to be' and distinctions are only conceptual.

This is like the difference between light illuminating the night vs the sun creating daylight...

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