Sunday, December 15, 2013

“Truth Recognized” p:46

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 12 Tevet 5774

Page 46 מו

At about a third from the top of the page – (line begins: "ach ha inyan hu...”) For text, click: Here.

We have said two things that seem to contradict. On the one hand the angels have a sense/masig of Godliness, and that denotes a real presence. If something is not real it cannot conceptualize Godliness.

This real kind of presence that is not just functional is able to identify Godliness. We can see this in our own experience. If we are preoccupied with our own needs, then we cannot relate to truth. In that state we are only able to relate to things that 'have an effect on us'.

So if angels are created from a ha-arah (reflection) how do they sense the reality of Godliness?

We live in a physical world and our whole outlook can be usurped by a physical application. The sun, by it's presence creates day. We have a sense of this. This is the difference between light and daylight.

When we have light on a fundamental level, and think about how we relate to it, we will find we don't relate to the light, but rather to the sun...

this is indicative of sensing the essential (on a physical level) reality of the sun.

The angels are not essential, but were created by Him. And He is real. So even though they only come from the level of ha arah they have a sense of reality...

World and light are opposites. If the original light had remained, the world would have been totally nullified. God hid the light and put it in the sun. with the original light Adam could see 'from one end of the world to the other'. This means that, at that time, the opacity of objects and the world was overcome. But this light is of a different quality. It is an essential light. It does not work on the principle of reflection. It reveals the truth of the world – how it is a Godly creation.

Similarly the human being is a soul in a body. And yet he functions in the body. How does the body not dissipate?! In what way is the soul in the body? It is there to the extent that all human function have a soul element... this is enclothement, but if the soul was to shine there in full force then he couldn't function in a regular human way...

The soul elevates the body, without overwhelming it.

This is the meaning that if the source of the creation was revealed to the creation, then it would cease to exist.

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