Thursday, December 5, 2013

“The Point” p:45

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 2 Tevet 5774 

Page 45 מה

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Atzilus is called an intermediary between the worlds and what is above.

It is also possible to say, that in atzilus there are 2 levels, namely atzilus unto itself, and the level that relates to the worlds that are below it.

The mentor also has to develop what he sees in chochmah/insight into his other faculties; and then there is the inner development he has to make, in order to present insights to his mentee.

All chochmah/insight is rooted in the soul – in the will/ratzon and tynug/delight. It may appear that sechel/mind is based on questions and paradox, and the whole enterprise is about putting pieces of the puzzle together.

That is not sechel/mind.

Sechel is what creates the puzzle! Binah works on the pieces in order to present it.

The mentor/rav has the initial insight. He realizes a certain truth and begins to relate to it. Then he, on a lower level, actualizes it – turning sechel into reality. He lives with it from top to bottom, and his emotions and actions accord with his highest insight.

Now that it is actual for him, he is able to develop it and present it to the student. Till the student is able to follow along till he too, can see it from its inception.

So there are 2 movements – 1. internal to the mentor, and, 2. presenting to, and working with, the student... this is 'from the bottom up'...

So the chochmah of atzilus is called ain/אינֿ/'nothing'. It is like sight – 'not a tangible presence, but an observing of the truth' and it is there only due to the 'ohr ein sof'. It sees the truth without translating it into terms of, 'what's in it for me?'

In physics points are without dimension. This is a conceptual element within the physical world. So too in the point in our understanding. It cannot be identified, it is beyond words. This is the spark of chochmah/insight. It reveals without having its own presence.

So chochmah doesn't solve the puzzle. It makes the puzzle.

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