Friday, December 13, 2013

“What the Angels Know” p:46

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel

10 Tevet 5774

Page 46 מו

At 7th line from the top of the page – (line begins: "vekan...”) For text, click: Here.

We are saying that the union of chochmah and binah is a spiritual union. Like a master with his student. He doesn't create sechel in the student... he awakens the student's own sechel.

But in the creation of the worlds, angels are created with their own mind and emotions by means of this spiritual union. How is that possible?

The angels know and comprehend Godliness... they relate to the level that is above the kingship that is revealed upon them. They comprehend that the real truth is above.

And to have that kind of comprehension you need to have sechel...

But the truth is that the existence of the level of the angels at a basic level is not essential – not a self contained context, with a real self-standing tangible presence.

The angels have an insight into Godliness, but still their own presence is not on the essential level.

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