Monday, January 13, 2014

“Building a New World” - p:49

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel

Monday 12 Shevat 5774

Page 49

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The souls of Israel and Torah are rooted in the essential, initial wisdom. This is the meaning of the medrash, 'the creation was for the 2 initial factors – Israel and Torah'.

So, that there should be a world is an external will (ratzon chitzoni), to fulfill an internal intent...

Think of a man going to work. He does it for some alterior motivation. What motivates him to go and seek that benefit. There is the negative: 'if I am hungry I have to eat', so it does not have an inner will, and it is due to the fact that we are finite entities. This is an external compelling motivation.

It is not representative of what a human being is...

And then there is the positive/inherent motivation. He goes to work to support his family – this is building a new world...

And 'above' there is no element of lacking. It is an infinite reality. There is no negative motivation. Could He ever be bored? He did not make the world 'cos he was lacking fulfillment! He created only on a positive basis.

This also means that since for Him there is no 'satisfying of lack', the positive impulse is present throughout the whole project... present in His creation.

And so too man's actions are not inadvertent.

The soul is a reality beyond purpose. They can accept and tolerate the deepest essential revelations and not be nullified by them...

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