Wednesday, January 29, 2014

“More to The Picture, Than Meets the Eye” p:50

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 28 Shevat 5774 

Page 50

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The mind of the student takes on the 'form' of his master/teacher. It is not that the teacher 'gave' him the mind, its just that he affected it.

We see things not as limited physical things, but as they are being presented to us. Chochmah/wisdom sees things from their inception – the essential truth, not the 'observable element'.

In the physical world two things cannot occupy the same space... but at a higher level (pnimius atik), everything is where it belongs and nothing takes up the space of anything else. This is seeing from a 'truth perspective'.

Atik is an 'essence' level.

So too with souls.

Their essential presence is their essential light (ohr atzmi).

Souls represent that fact that there is an essence.

So when the creation is only from a reflection – a functional element of the light, then what is brought into being is not the reality of the Creator.

The secular view is that there is a constant conflict between everything that exists. We say no. That's not the case. “If you draw your life from Me”, says God, “there will never be a shortage!”

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