Friday, January 10, 2014

“Awe of God is Life” - Siyum HaRambam – Yud Shvat

~with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 8 Shevat 5774 

The Rambam explains that the basis of the intellect is the Godly presence.

To sense the Godly truth to the extent that it defines your actions – that is intellect.

That is life.

Life is not a 'stand alone' entity. You live because you have air around you. Life is the extent to which you are connected to the Living God. There is no life in isolation. There is no life in worldliness per se.

The lowest level at wich this truth is sensed is in yirah/awe. It does not depend on intellect. Yirat hashem – awe of God is life.

The Rebbe talked about the Frediker Rebbe... and said that he exposed himself to any danger for the sake of serving God. He didn't even consider the danger. The Rebbe was imprisoned by the Communists. An order came down that he should be released. Due to the timing he refused to leave lest there be the chance of travel on Shabbos.

The Rebbe said, 'what's the halachic justification for him taking such risks...' and he answered that the halacha applies where one's own presence, and service of God are 2 separate things. But where they are one thing, the whole question doesn't apply. 

The Rebbes are the steady power of Judaism. They were not 'living examples' in the common sense of the world. They represented Godliness in a body.

The Mitteler Rebbe was often unwell. The reason was due to the nature of his service. His discourses could take 3-4 hours. Chassidus flowed in his veins.

Each Rebbe represented this steady power in their own way. Any word you use is not sufficient – not scholars, geniuses, soldiers... – their life was the Godliness flowing through them.

The Rebbe's conduct was extemely simple. And the miracles were commonplace. This is the Godly light from every angle.

We cannot possibly understand. But we have to know what we don't understand. We have to recognize what we are looking at. The soul was shining through without any obstruction. He was continually talking about the way it is in Gan Eden, where the real reality is obvious.

It is this truth that permeated the whole world and particularly us here of Lubavitch...

The Rebbe's sending of emissaries and launching of campaigns was incredible.

The face of the earth has been changed. The face of Lubavitch has changed.

This was more than an educational effect. This was the Rebbe's Godly spirit, that lifted everyone, till it was not enough to know what is right – you had to sense it and live it...

This is what the Rebbe says, 'it is Moshiach times' and 'open your eyes and see Moshiach has arrived'. So what does it mean? We don't see him. The Rambam says, everyone will sense and see the truth and their goal will be to know God. This is Moshiach.

This kind of mindset and pursuit... to know God scholastically has been around for years, but it was not real. Like chochmah sees the truth, but is not the truth. The truth is the soul. It is felt and lived with in oneg/delight and ratzon/will.

And this cannot be achieved scholastically. Sensing the Godly presence is through service, and due to it being brought down to the point where we can all sense it.

The principle of 'Moshiach is here', is to sense the Godly truth in the world, not academically, but directly, with your life element.

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