Sunday, January 26, 2014

“Soul Roots; Soul Equality” p:50

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 25 Shevat 5774 

Page 50

At about a third from the top of the page – (line begins: "mechulakim...”) For text, click: Here.

We are going to re-introduce the principle of root/shoresh.

Think of this human world... when you see a clock on the wall, what does it allude to? What does it represent? To the clock? Or to the human presence? It indicates the human being. Whether it was put there today or 10 years ago it represents the same thing... It is not accidental. The clock did not land there by accident. If you see it that way it is a false perspective.

The reason you can have this perspective is due to the physical nature of the world.

And if you view the clock with your animal instinct, you will not see what it is. We need to focus on reality not the physical. The physical is a Godly gift, but it should not be abused.

The initial sense of life – our highest faculty is sensed in oneg/delight and ratzon/will. But if it is perverted you just land in a world of low desires.

We need to live on the real level not the 'instinct' level.

Soul sees what instinct does not. The soul intellect sees, 'what initiated this'.  It sees 'behind' the physical. It sees the basis. It sees there is a First Being, that substantiates all reality. By instinct, you will never find it. It is the basis of human consciousness.

Chassidus refers to the root/shoresh of everything. Why not just look at 'what it is'? Because the root is what the reality is. Without the shoresh/root a thing would cease to be.

In the text we are digging in... and putting into words something beyond words... 'the principle that: there is world which is a creation and then there are souls, which are a creation; and they are fundamentally different. The souls have an infinite presence'.

How can souls be limitless? It is a creation so you may think it is limited.

And there are many souls... so this means many intentions in making each soul... so why say they are infinite?

Each soul does not represent its own presence. It represents the Source. This is unique to the souls... even though everything has a Godly source...

The human being has a special reality. All is created by God, but the human being is on a different level. All of creation was made by dibur/speech. And speech can be heard outside the source. The human soul is blown into you. It doesn't have a separate presence. It is continually blown into you.

The world was created to represent its Creator.

He needs to be recognized here. Where is the Godly reality in this world? It is represented as such in the Yid – the Jewish soul.

The Rebbe brings from the Tanya where it says that the souls suit each other, an all represent the same thing... the one soul source. Even while they come down into the world.

This compatibility persists even down here. It is His presence that gives them a presence.

Any differences are just in their faculties. In essence they are equal.

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