Sunday, March 2, 2014

“Being a Participant is Something Phenomenal” p:55

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 30 Adar I, 5774 

Page 55

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Understanding is strictly a human faculty. Animals can also see 1+1 as 2 ones. But only humans can grasp 1+1 as two.

A computer returns 2 when you put in 1+1, but it has no concept of 2.

We are learing that understanding brings about the birth of emotions/midos. If understanding is just physical, there is no emotional content.

Really 'two' is a very deep concept.

To conceptualize two there have to be 2 factors present. The source/provision and the result/recipient.

You are sure if you have one you could have two. The assumption that there could be two is based on 'the One who provided for the first one could equally provide for two and he wants two...'

Nothing is in the world inadvertently... if it is there, it means it was provided for intentionally. This is like inviting people to your home. It is your heart and mind that is involved...

The makor/source on the higher level is chochmah and binah. Together these 2 provide the person with a sense that 'there is a reality'. Chochmah is the distant source, and binah brings it down to your presence. It says, 'not only is there a truth, but you are a fully fledge participant in it...'

Only hasaga/understanding will create midot/emotions. This is binah saying, 'not only is this true, but you are part of it'. And this will automatically arouse love and fear. Because this is being a participant is something phenomenal. It is awesome and extremely attractive and meaningful.

When you think about life. And think into it. You will readily see that life is eternal. Yes, life is eternal, but he needs to misbonen/reflect on it till it affects his emotions, and he feels respect and awe for the eternity, here in this life...! This is internal and cannot be presented.

Any leaning to chesed or gevurah (love and fear) is only due to comprehending the matter, not due to just having the concept. That's why in binah there is already an incorporation of the midot/emotions.

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