Thursday, March 13, 2014

“What's This All About”

p:56 AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 11 Adar II, 5774

Page 56

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Chochmah sees things from a higher level – beyond 'left and right'. It sees things from the Creator's perspective rather than from the created's perspective.

Will relates to things above time and space. That's why the Baal Shem Tov says, 'where a person's will is, that's where he is'. Ratzon/will is the force of reality itself. Each thing wants to be what it is. It its own being it senses the Godly truth. This is what is given to it by the Godly spirit. This is ratzon/will.


And this ratzon is much higher than time and space. It relates to a Godly truth. There is no 'reason' for it.


  1. Chochma sees the Truth, binah relates to it. How do you get from chochma to binah? To relate to the Truth? We say that the Truth is something we can't experience precisely that is why we want it. Is it that wanting Truth is not the end? It is relateable as well?

    1. i.e. we've said that anything I can experience, I want no part of etc.

    2. Thanks for your comments! see if tonight's shiur (currently uploading) addresses this... specifically about the inability to relate what we have seen... and secondly that the truth is not based on our experiences...
