Sunday, March 30, 2014

“Hidden & Revealed” p:57

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 28 Adar II, 5774 

Page 57

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'Concealed and revealed' are essentially corresponding to the 'surrounding and inner' levels of light or knowledge.

And here hidden/concealed does not mean intentionally removed. It is above revelation, but the revealed level is based there... it is level that must be there to precede revelation.

The principle of revelation is an 'intended presentation'. If someone overhears someone reviewing and learning Torah he will not gain the same benefit as when it is taught to him – when he is addressed.

The concealed state is for the sake of revelation.

A 'revelation' that does not have the hidden/helem/makif level as its base, it is not real revelation of knowledge.

Makif means surrounding. This implies that it encompasses the pnimi/inner level. So this makif/hidden level is already the beginning of the revelation.

Ratzon/will is behind all the human faculties.

Ratzon is continuous. It is the active 'force element' of life itself. The essential ratzon is a simple statement of the presence of life. The 'faculty' of will (koach haratzon) is what enables the active functioning faculties.

Anything I can relate to 'I want'. And wanting here is not indicating a lacking. So ratzon is synonymous with living, but this is the level that is beyond informing the faculties.

In a certain sense, life itself is an active state. But there are different level of activity.

Ratzon is the initial force behind every activity. There is an active element in life itself. Unfortunately the worldly view says, 'if I didn't get out of bed there will be some negative consequence'. But this is not the truth of the matter. If you have to have a reason, then the ratzon – will is lacking.

I want to live because I want to live. It is not an antidote to anything. It is not a matter of I want to live, 'cos I don't want to live. It is beyond reason.

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