Sunday, March 23, 2014

“GPS; Looking at Truth” p:56

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 21 Adar II, 5774 

Page 56

At a third from the end of page – (line begins: "dehinay nodah...”) For text, click: Here.

The Rebbe is saying there is an element of wisdom/chochmah in binah/understanding.

This is chochmah that can relate to understanding... definition...

This understanding in binah is also called the 'resulting point'...

After a full exposition of the topic a final point results...

hasagah/understanding is narrow definition and attention, but it is not disassociated from the overall context, and after all you come back to the point of chochmah.

The point that results goes to the essence of the chochmah. It bypasses the whole exposition and relates to the essence of wisdom/chochmah. In this way he comes to the substantiation or verification of the essence of the thing... This is a deeper step. There is seeing, 'this is how it is', and there is a deeper level that sees, 'this is how it should be and there is a truth element to it being this way'.

The soul is true. The knowledge of truth is perfectly natural to us.

The flow from binah to malchus is called bracha/blessing...

A discussion from after class:

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