Wednesday, March 26, 2014

“I am Everywhere” p:56-57

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 24 Adar II, 5774 

Page 56

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Yesterday we looked at the principle of ohr/light. This is central to chassidus. Light is an intangible presence. Just as sunlight does not exist without the sun, so too, in terms of chassidus – there is no light without the essence.

Light does not represent itself. It represents its source. It relates the recipient of the light back to the its source.

So in human terms, if you are in my home, and made comfortable there, the significance is based on my presence. The presence of the host is presented via the light/ohr, but ultimately you are relating to the essence.

The animal does not have this type of relationship. The animal benefits from the object. The human being relates to the ohr/light.

So there are 2 levels in ohr. Makif/surrounding light. And pnimi – inner light.

The inner light that can be enclothed in vessels is presented by means of them. Like when lunch is served at your friend's home. If lunch is served appropriately then the light is contained within it.

The surrounding light remains above and is not enclothed in vessels.

The surrounding/makif light is helem/hidden.

Here's an example:
  • at essence man is everywhere
  • the makif light is that he can travel anywhere
  • the pnimi level means that he designs modes of transport (cars, planes, trains etc) that will take him everywhere...!

The light comes to full expression by stages. First it comes to makif and only afterwards into an inner/pnimi manner.

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