Tuesday, March 25, 2014

“Reality Like Water” p:56-57

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 23 Adar II, 5774 

Page 56

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Anything worldly that is percieved to be contained within the world is not real. Because the world itself is not ultimately real.

So the reality of each thing is seen when its connection to the First Being is not lost. The translation of the Godly reality into derivatives is call 'ohr/light'.

A human being is small physically, but his light occupies an entire home. It is correct to say, that if you are in someone's home, you are his guest, and you are there by his grace.

There is a Godly light that provides for all of existence. He provides for all creations to be.

Inner light (ohr pnimi) is a derivative of the surrounding light (ohr makif). When you sit on a chair and feel comfortable and settled it is due to the design of the chain and its placement in an overall context.

The overall light becomes revealed by becoming enclothed in vessels.

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