Wednesday, March 19, 2014

“Truth and Intended Creation” p:56

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 17 Adar II, 5774

Page 56

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We are discussing in a focused way the relationship between chochmah and binah...

Chochmah is the ein/nothing/truth element. The nothingness of malchus in comparison to briah, is like the nothingness of chochmah in relation to the 'somethingness' of binah. What does this add for us? It is to see how chochmah is an aspect of ein/nothing even though it is sechel.

Creation is not an automatic out growth of something higher. It is a novel and intentional level. We say speech is the way He created the world. Speech is the first expression that is in time and space (your thoughts are private and speech is an external creation). When I speak it is a decision... this is creation.

The levels before creation are called ein/nothing. Speech is in time and space. It is created in nothingness. So to stand there it needs a full structure.

Ein does not need formatting. It is maintained by the intent, by the reality that initiates it. This is the difference between the levels of malchus and briah. Malchus is nothingness – it is part of the ein sof – the Godly world. World at the level of Godly truth...

Chochmah is nothingness in contrast to binah. So too malchus is nothingness in contrast to briah (the created worlds).

Start with your inner reality not the world. Start with sechel/inner mind. The examination of the world from a worldly perspective will lead you to the opposite of truth.

The essence of chochmah/wisdom is separated remotely from the process of creation (seder hishtalshalus).

Chochmah is a flash. A spark/point in time. But the essence of chochmah is entirely above – essence of soul of Godliness. Binah by contrast is based in time.    

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