Friday, April 25, 2014

“Before You Realized You Were Naked” p:58

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 

Friday 25 Nissan, 5774

Page 58

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The principle of helem and gilui (concealment and revelation) can be identified all the way back in the infinite light before the contraction (ohr ein sof lifnei hatzimzum).

And the difference between revelation and concealment is only relevant on the level of ohr/light.

At the level of the essence of infinity (be-etzem ein sof) it is incorrect to refer to the distinction between revealed and concealed...

The human being is a Godly presence in the world. He is not a worldly presence. He eats to live, not because he is hungry. He has sechel/mind. He identifies with the intangible element of his existence, rather than the purely physical.

This identification with the intangible is not based on meditation or intellectual work – it is what the human being is at essence. This is what gives him a real presence. It is beyond light/ohr, beyond the distinction between yes and no...

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