Tuesday, April 1, 2014

“Don't Be So Shocked” p:57

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 

Tuesday 1 Nissan, 5774

Page 57

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The essence of a person's presence is the ratzon/will.

The sechel's/mind's compelling nature is from the ratzon/will.

Take something simple like 1+1=2. there as to be a ratzon element to it, or the 2 would be an anomaly. Take it down to an animal level – he doesn't know 2, he just knows the '1' he is busy with. So 2 is acceptable to sechel due to the ratzon/will, which is the background.

Ratzon is on a totally different level. It relates to the terrain. It identifies for the person the broad reality.

Survival is a non-existent factor. Chassidus brings out that each thing persists due to the mission it has in the entire existence.

Ratzon gives a person the sense of the reality of where he is. And then all that exists in this reality is real.

This is the human experience. So thus all that he encounters falls into place. Everything has a place. The ratzon says, 'don't be so shocked, this is God's creation, there is no limit to the variety'.

Sechel by itself does not create anything. The essence of novelty is the ratzon/will.

Ratzon says everything must be real. I have to live in a world that is real. Ratzon pushes the sechel to make sense.

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