Thursday, April 3, 2014

“Soul Salesman” p:57

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 

ThursdayNight 3 Nissan, 5774

Page 57

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World knows nothing of Godliness. And the soul knows nothing but Godliness. And the sechel/mind joins the two. By means of sechel the soul guides the world and the body.

Sechel/mind compels by identifying the correct meaning of everything.

At the higher level of ratzon/will there are no separate items to identify and compel. Ratzon cannot relate to the world practically.

The correct identification is at the level of ratzon. The novelty is that all these things are created.

Ratzon is the real vitality of the soul. A human being is not a slave to the world. He brings a new light to the world. The world does not tell him who he is. And how does he do this? He was given the task by the Creator to bring true meaning into the world...

Ratzon translates on the 'soul in the body' level as the realization, when looking at the world and identifying its mission as saying, 'oh, that's why I came here!'

The soul wants to work in the world, not for the sake of worldliness but for the sake of revealing Godliness that it, itself did not have before...

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